Western Carolina Radio Club known as WCRC “SKYHAWKS” was founded in 1964. Our location is 1311 Anderson Ridge Road Greer, SC. 29651. This is known as the Enoree Landfill. Click Here to see our progress!
Notice: WCRC has met the FAA unmanned aircraft requirements and has been approved and granted by the FAA as a Federal Recognized Identification Area, (FRIA AREA).
Joe Duncan, President
Mark Sumner, V. President
Steven Bayne, Secretary
Gary Livingston, Treasurer
About us
We are a club that was formed in 1964. We have a long history of flying R/C aircraft and a vast knowledge of the sport spread among our membership. We fly everything with wings or blades. Jets, Gas, Glow, and Electric.
Our Goals
In short, we are family friendly and we look forward to our fellowship at the flying field. We help one another in many aspects of flying; from technical problems to encouragement for a fellow pilot who had a bad day of flying.